Everyday since then the adventure of life has been more intense, more mystical and guided for certain by the One who sent us here. Over the last few weeks I have been of service to a friend who injured himself in an accident. He was transported to the hospital for emergency care.
His apartment...well, let's just say it needed a massively extreme cleanup job. My friend's obsessive compulsiveness became a chain-smoking, frozen dinner fed, descent around the sink drain of life. Now, he's in much better surroundings and is relating to people who really care.
And I've been on the crew helping to rehab his dwelling before he comes home from the recovery room this Monday. It will be a great homecoming and I'm looking forward to his reaction to his "new" place.
So while going to Von's to buy cleaning gear, my sweetheart noticed a sign at the Petco advertising a pet adoption day. My honey and I had been talking about getting a companion dog for her Pixie beagle. The adoption volunteers were hoping these doggies, in the system for more than two months, would be taken to a new home. Instead of being taken to be put down.
We strolled into the store and saw two circular wire cages. One held a lazy, brown farm dog. The other barely contained a leaping, energized chihuahua/jack russell mix: Alexander. He saw me walk up to him and jumped up the wire rungs, onto my shoulders and into my life.
The most unexpected birthday present possible. Alexander is the first dog that's been by my choice. Never thought it would happen so soon. So naturally.
But you know it's real when it feels so right it makes you cry--with happiness. For two friends, each with a new lease on life. For this birthday and the cards I've received from my brothers and sisters.
For this is a beautiful world, after all. Sphere: Related Content
1 comment:
Happy Birthday and congrats on the new addition to your family. 59. Yeesh. How come you keep getting older but I never do? LOL.
Thanks for including Ventura in your news mission. I am now a Venturan again, having found the cutest dang Spanish style house to settle in. I have my own banana tree!
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